Benefits of physical activity according to the EU
Today begins another edition of the European Week of the Mobility. The theme chosen this year by the European Commission focuses on walk and pedal safely, whose motto is, Walk with us!
The Ministry for Ecological Transition has been in charge of promoting participation in this call that began yesterday , September 16 , and will continue throughout the week until September 22 .
Walking and cycling safely
Through the theme chosen for this year, the European Union wants focus on the benefits of these two forms of displacement for our health , for the environment and for our economy . Throughout the week there are several cities that will be carrying out various activities in relation to these issues... find out from yours, learn and collaborate!
At Happylegs what worries us the most is your health , so taking advantage of this very important week at the European level, we wanted to collect the benefits of physical activity according to the European Union .
EU Physical Activity Guidelines
Physical activity, health and quality of life are directly connected. The human body was designed to move and therefore needs physical activity to function properly optimal and avoid diseases.
At present there is sufficient evidence to show the benefits of the movement.
The European Union collects the benefits of physical activity :
- Reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
- Decreased mortality from ischemic heart disease.
- Prevention and/or delay of the development of arterial hypertension and reduction of blood pressure values in hypertensive people.
- Improves the profile of blood lipids
- Helps control and regulate blood glucose levels . Therefore, the risk of suffering from non-insulin dependent or type II diabetes mellitus decreases .
- Improves digestion by optimizing intestinal rhythm .
- Increases the use of body fat and helps control weight .
- Maintenance and improvement of muscular strength and endurance, increasing the functional capacity to carry out other activities necessary for daily life.
- Helps maintain the structure and function of the joints . Physical activity of moderate intensity can be beneficial for people diagnosed with osteoarthritis.
- Combat stress thanks to the fact that it helps to release tension and to fall asleep, in addition to optimizing it.
- Improves personal image and self-esteem.

- Helps fight symptoms of anxiety and depression , and increases enthusiasm and optimism.
- Reduces absenteeism due to sick leave from work.
- Helps establish heart-healthy lifestyle habits in children by combating factors such as obesity, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, etc. which favor the development of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood.
- Physical activity in general, and especially weight-bearing activity, is essential for normal bone development during childhood and for reaching peak bone mass in young adults. In addition, it is a form of treatment for osteoporosis in the elderly.
- In older adults , it reduces the risk of falls , helps prevent or delay chronic diseases and those associated with aging. In this way, their quality of life is improved and the ability to live independently is increased.
- It helps to control and improve the symptoms and prognosis in many chronic diseases (ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.)
Despite all this list of benefits, unfortunately today children, youth and adults have changed their lifestyles due to different more sedentary patterns such as television or the Internet. That is why from Happylegs we want to promote physical activity in people of all ages taking advantage of the European Mobility Week .
We help you through our machines , so that, in those situations in which you are sitting, in the office , watching TV or reading a book, you can move your legs . Happylegs provides you with that movement that, although it seems very simple, provides so many benefits to you and your loved ones. It helps you make the most of every situation while taking care of your health: if you move your legs, you move your heart.