One of the most popular words in our country in the last two months is "teleworking". Circumstances have forced a multitude of workers to stop going to their offices to stay at home and carry out their workdays from there. But, have you considered the relationship between teleworking and health ?
Take care of your health also working from home
The teleworking culture was not fully established in Spain. In 2018, just over 4% of the population used this mode of job. As of today and with the current circumstances, it is estimated that this figure triples.
Therefore, if you are one of these workers who have lived this displacement of the place of work, it is necessary that you know a series of Factors to take into account to take care of your health.
If you stop to think, when you go to your place of work, you make two movements, the one out and the one back. Also, possibly in the same workplace take short walks to visit a colleague or to go for a coffee.
However, the fact of working from home reduces all these movements, but we can help you. With Happylegs you can move your legs while sitting and, at the same time, take care of your health by teleworking .
Dangers of spending long hours sitting teleworking
- Issues circulation: pass long hours sitting hinders proper circulation, and can cause thrombosis.
- Gastrointestinal diseases: Such as constipation, diverticulitis or colon problems.
- Cardiovascular diseases: Sedentary lifestyle requires that the heart work at a different rate, raises cholesterol levels and can be the causing a heart attack.
- Increased insulin levels: By sitting for long hours, the Insulin does not work properly.
- Less concentration: Muscles need to be active to pump more blood and therefore oxygenate itself and speed up function cerebral.

Telecommuting and health while you move your legs with Happylegs
Happylegs is the perfect passive gym machine to exercise from your own home office. This is thanks to all the benefits clinically proven that it exerts on the users who use it daily.
Many workers are already enjoying the health benefits of telecommuting from home:
- Use Happylegs three hours a day is synonymous with walking for an hour . Of In this way, the absence of movement is supplemented by not having to move to the office.
- Avoid the main problems of sedentary lifestyle.
- Improve your ergonomics . Working from home, we spend many hours sitting which can mean that we end up opting for bad positions in the chair. But, Happylegs helps you maintain a good sitting position.
- Disappearance of lumbar and back pain , derived from a static position.
- Strengthen legs without effort.
- Delete the leg swelling and ankles.
- Strengthen functions of the heart , even in people with pacemakers.
- Help fight diabetes and overweight .
- Improve of restless legs syndrome and fatigue chronicle .
- multitude of more benefits that help you take care of your health while teleworking.

How to use Happylegs while working at home?
How Happylegs works is very simple. It is an electrical product that has the quietest motor on the market, with low consumption and three speeds . Its operation is so simple that we can explain it in three simple steps .
- to put it in It is simply necessary to plug the machine into the electrical current. Something that surely you have easy access next to your computer.
- With the switch which is on the cable can turn it on and off.
- Select the speed (slow, medium, fast) you want with the roulette that is on that same cable and let your legs move as you move your heart.
In addition to the passive movement of Happylegs, we also recommend a series of healthy habits that you can apply to take care of your health while you work at home.
Now you know how to maintain the relationship between teleworking and health ! ?