Día Mundial de la Diabetes

world diabetes day

World Diabetes Day is a worldwide campaign that is celebrated every November 14 with the aim of raising awareness about diabetes . It was established by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1991. It was born because of the high number of cases of diabetes that were proliferating in the world. But, it was in 2007, when United Nations celebrated this day for the first time, thus becoming a UN official day .

Its main purpose is to raise awareness about the causes, symptoms, treatment and complications associated with the disease. And it is that, the data is scary, the reality is that this condition is constantly increasing in the world population and it will continue to do so unless the necessary measures are taken to prevent it.

Diabetes: Protect your Family

Today, November 14, 2019, is the second year of the campaign dedicated to Family and diabetes, its motto is: "Diabetes: Protect your Family" . They have wanted to focus this day within the family due to the results of the study carried out by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) that affirms how 4 out of 5 parents would not know how to correctly identify if their children have this condition or not .

The Diabetes Foundation

The Foundation for Diabetes , exposes the following alarming data about the serious current situation of diabetes :

  • 425 million adults , 1 in 11, have diabetes
  • It is estimated a increase of people with diabetes up to 522 million by 2030.
  • 1 in 2 people with diabetes is undiagnosed (212 million)
  • 3 out of 4 people with diabetes live in low and middle income countries .
  • More than 1 million children and adolescents have Diabetes type 1
  • 1 in 6 births is affected by a high blood glucose (hyperglycaemia) in pregnancy.
  • Two thirds of people with diabetes are of working age (327 million).
  • Diabetes caused 4 million deaths in 2017
  • Diabetes caused at least USD 727 billion in health spending in 2017.

If you like investigate more about data related to diabetes, you can find it at The Diabetes Atlas . Here you will find the latest data, information and projections about diabetes in the world.

For all these worrying data, the main objective of this campaign is increase awareness of the effect diabetes has on the family. More specifically, in influencing the important role played by the family for management, care, prevention and education .

For it, various activities will be taking place throughout the month of November all over the world, so that millions of people more than 160 countries raise their awareness of diabetes . Children and adults affected by diabetes, health personnel, key figures in health matters and the media will be present.

How does Happylegs help you treat diabetes?

Diabetes and inflammation of the legs. Medical report of Doctor Javier Tisaire

happylegs exerts clinically proven benefits in the treatment of diabetes. As it is not the same to tell it than to prove it, we wanted to do a study to expose the benefit of their machines in the condition of diabetes . So, Dr. Javier Tisaire Sánchez , a specialist in General Medicine , demonstrated its clinical benefits .

Thus, this study is a prospective clinical study in which the benefits obtained in patients who have received Happylegs passive gymnastics care are observed, compared to those who maintained their usual treatment . Note that in both groups no pharmacological intervention was given different from that prescribed for their pathologies.

The observation period was dated six months with clinical evaluation at the beginning and at the end of observation. Regarding the treatment, the patients had to dedicate 60 minutes, three days a week during the observation period .


After the first part of the observation period, we collected clinical benefits in diabetic patients , especially those of reduced mobility. Their glycemic numbers before and after the treatment period descended a 6.5% in the very initial phase of observation.

Once completed the six months of the process observation and treatment, these were the results obtained by doctor Tisaire about the Fasting Basal Glycemia behaviors :

  • In the patients who underwent the Happylegs treatment, a average reduction of glycemia of 15% over the basal parameters .
  • The reduction would have been greater if the daily time of use of the system had also been greater. For logistical and methodological reasons, it was even possible to consider the correction in the necessary medical treatment for diabetes mellitus with the consequent savings in drugs .
  • It was observed a increased glucose consumption thanks to the passive mobilization of Happylegs.

That is how our Top Sales product in the Health sector since 2008 has been helping people with this and other diseases for many years Improve your quality of life day to day. With Happylegs, whoever moves their legs moves their hearts, and their health shows it.

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